
Monday, 28 May 2012

Youtube Channel Up

Hey everyone, so about a week ago I had a poll on whether I should make a Youtube channel and start doing videos.  The majority vote was for YES so here is my first video that I have made and a link to my Youtube channel.  Be sure to subscribe to it and share my blog with others!

Nerf Creations Youtube Page

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Hey everyone, for the past few days I was thinking about possibly starting a new YouTube channel.  On it, I would post videos of my mods and paint jobs along with how I go about working with my blasters.  If you wouldn't mind, please take 2 seconds and vote in the poll on the side of my blog.  If I see enough interests in it, I will take the time and make videos for you all :)  Thank you!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Zombpocalypse Mod Guide

As I was leaving school to come home for the summer, a friend of mine gave me a shopping bag.  He told me there was a Nerf gun in it and he tried to mod it and couldn't get it back together.  I got the chance to open it up and put it together.  Here are pictures, mods, and the integration that I did with the Nerf Recon that was in the bag.

  1. AR Removed
  2. Locks Removed
  3. Jam Door Removed
  4. Seal Replacement
  5. Seal Air Hole
  6. Tape Mod for Spring
  7. Accepts any Dart
  8. Painted
  9. Light Integration

Mystery Bag
Parts that were in the bag
AR Removed
Air hole sealed
Tape added to increase spring tension
Seal replaced and then greased
All wiring on one side for easy opening and battery replacement
Light switch and battery pack in handle
Internals on other side of blaster
Blaster Finished and put together
Used the light attachment from Recon
Switch for light in the back of the handle
This was my first time integrating something into a blaster and not just modding or painting it.  The blaster is fully functional.  Please comment and let me know what you think!  Thank you.

***Shout out to BigNerfDude for helping me with a name for this bad boy!***

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Trading Tab

Hey everyone,

I just added a new section to my blog.  I have been coming across a lot of blasters that are nice to have but I am not very much interested in.  So I have decided to post the blasters I have that I am willing to trade.  Some items will be modded and some will not.  If there is a blaster that I have that I am willing to trade that you would like modded before hand, I will gladly be open to doing that.  If you would like to make a trade, send me a message with your offer and we can hopefully work something out.  This is a fun and easy way to let go of blasters you don't like and get some you may like.  Happy Trading!

Friday, 18 May 2012

What do you want?

Hey everyone, I am back and ready for a summer full of modding!  With so many things that I could do, I am indecisive with what to do first.  So I am asking you all for what you would like to see!  I have lots of mods and paint jobs that I have planned, but maybe you have a better idea.  Here are the blasters that I have that have not been modded yet:

  1. Clear Recon
  2. Firefly
  3. Barricade
  4. Lumitron
  5. Double shot
  6. Longshot
  7. Raider
  8. Deploy
So leave a comment with; the blaster, and what you would like to see done (mods, paint jobs, lights, intergrations).  If you have more than one idea, feel free to put them up!  Thanks everyone and hope to hear from you soon.  

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Where have I been?

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posts lately.  I finished school about two weeks ago but  have been very busy.  I am part of a singing choir with my university, and we have been on tour since school has been done.  So that explains the lack of posts.  But....there is hope to come!  I have acquired many new blasters and plan on doing a lot of modding now that I am home.  Once I get settled in my new room and working area, posts will be up!  So please, stay tuned and spread the word that more is coming!  Thanks everyone.