

Welcome to Nerf Creations!

I am currently a college student who enjoys fixing, and tinkering with things to make them better.  I like doing hands on stuff that take much time and effort.  I enjoy modding Nerf blasters and playing games like HvZ.  I will post lots of my own work as I finish projects and post pictures from events.  Besides modding, I enjoy long-boarding, snowboarding, soccer, hockey, video games, movies, and ZOMBIES! I am super easy to get along with and easy to talk to!

This blog was created for anything that has to do with foam blasters.  From mods, reviews, tutorials, news, paint jobs, and battles.

If you would like one of your creations featured on my blog, please email me at:  Include your name (blog if you want it mentioned), name of your creation if you have one, and some information about it. Share what you did to it, why you did it...just some background on it.  And then tag some pictures to the email and send it to my email and I will post it as soon as I get some time.  Please put "Nerf Creations" in the subject bar so I see it and don't delete it!

Feel free to ask questions about stuff you don't understand how to do or curious how I did it, and leave comments on things letting me know if you like it, or how I can improve my methods!

Thanks for viewing!

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