
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Send some creations!

Looking for stuff to post on the Nerf Creations Page!  

Send pictures of your Nerf blaster that you have modified with a description (maybe even a name for your blaster) and some information about yourself that you would like added to: 

I will create a post for your creation!  Share your work with the rest of the Nerf world.  Plus I would really appreciate having the opportunity to write these up and post them!  

So start sending!!!


  1. Hey You should get your blog out there try talking at NM&R show them your blog!

    1. What do you mean? Like talk in the chatroll or just send them a message? I have been super busy with school and haven't been modding/painting much. Plus most of my paint is home. Let me know what idea's you have for getting out there. And I would love if you sent some of your stuff to my blog :P

    2. you should go to NM&R links section, scroll down towards the bottom, and comment and ask if they would put your blog in there, they're usually pretty good about that.

    3. Sweet, thanks for the tip! I will definitely do that :)
