
Friday, 28 September 2012

Dorm Battles

So now that Contagion has come to an end, everyone who has been a zombie for a long time has been itching for some good battles using their blasters.  So we decided to have ourselves a little Nerf war in our dorm.  I only got a few shots because I wanted to play but this one kid just kept getting ambushed and was camping the stair case every time.  It was a lot of fun!

Also, I have started a game of HvZ at my school!  I am super excited to  finally have this on my campus.  I am the moderator of the game and will not be playing because I don't want  things to be bias to one side or another.  I am very excited about it and it should be a good game!  I will keep you posted as it goes along.

Thanks for viewing!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Contagion: Day 2

Memorial made by my friend
So today I was doing really well.  I decided to go zombie hunting and got a few of them so that fellow comrades would be able to make it safely to their destinations!  I was doing really well until after my last class of the day.

My friend Austin and I were leaving our class at 8:30 pm.  We knew we would face some opposition on our return back to our room.  Begin walking to the dorm and spot 5 people standing outside of the door.  The 2 of us got into back-to-back formation.  As we were moving to the door, one went to our wide left and the other wide right.  There was one person who I knew was not playing at all, and then the other 2 were standing close to the door.   As we approach with cation, the flanks attack and we take them out rather easily.  In a rushed scramble I begin running to the door and walk right past a girl who was standing there with a cup of coffee and drinking it.   To my surprise I walk right past her and without thinking do not shoot. You would think it is like some love story were I was caught in her eyes and then saved the day...but no!  I totally thought she was not playing for some reason and she tagged me.  I proceeded to throw a temper and then sucked up my man-hood and said good job.  She got me fair and square, I just let my guard down for one second.  We were so close.

Anyways, it was a lot of fun.  I then proceeded to take charge of the zombie horde and organized 2 mass attacks on 2 of the remaining 5 people which turned out to be a success!  There are 3 humans left now.  The game will end soon.

Thanks for viewing!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Contagion: Day 1

Today was a pretty easy day!  The virus started with one person infected and it was pretty easy to keep count of who is infected and who is not.  As the day went by our numbers dropped but not drastically.  I had many close encounters but I am still fighting.  

I began the day with my Nerf Alpha Trooper and Jolt while carrying a sock for last minute measures.  After a while my good friend brought me what I believe to be the best zombie killing blaster of all time...or one of the smartest!   The Nerf Scatterblast:  part of the Nerf super soaker line.  Since we are not playing with HvZ rules and is actually a modified version of the rules, all they said was any "Nerf" blaster.  Since I like to read between the lines and this is just about a week long game, I am using this scatterblast.  It has been working great so far and can spray about 15 ft but I can cover a lot of ground with it.  I still carry my Alpha trooper in my backpack since it is small enough and its not a bad idea to have a spare in case I run out of water and get stuck in a safe zone that I cannot refill.

There is about 35-40 of us left!  I am still fighting strong!

Till the end....

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Nerf Alpha Trooper Mod Guide

Here are my mods for the Nerf Alpha Trooper

  1. Locks removed
  2. Tape over air hole
  3. Jam Door moves freely
  4. Tape on plunger to increase spring compression
Close up of internals
Locks Removed
Air release hole covered
Tap added to better compression
In order to open the jam door anytime, I shaved some of the plastic so it doesn't catch the bolt sled
Last look at internals before closing it up
All put together
 I was scared to do this mod because I love my alpha trooper and know how difficult it is to get a hold of one.  Since I do not have all my normal tools with me, I was not able to remove the AR at this point in time.  But I do plan on removing it in the very near future. (I will post an update when I do remove the AR and possibly paint it)  Just with the mods I did, I am getting an extra 5-10 feet out of it.  I can't wait to use this in future battles!  If you have any questions please feel free to ask!  Thanks for viewing!

***If you were to paint an Alpha Trooper, what color scheme would you use?***

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Wow...that's a low price!

Hey everyone,

So as Contagion week (modified version of HvZ) starts on the 23rd, many of the students are going and buying Nerf blasters for this special event.  While I was over hearing them talk, they start talking about prices.  After talking to them, apparently there is a huge sale at Atlantic Superstore by my school.  Here is a small rough price list of the blasters they had:

  • Nerf Praxis - $7.44
  • Nerf Proton - $7.47
  • Nerf Vigilon - $9.47
  • Nerf Maverick - $5.95
  • Nerf Nitefinder - $6.99
  • Nerf Jolt - $.74
I almost died!  If I had the money I would have bought so much!  Unfortunately, the Jolt was out of stock or I would have bought about five of them.  I do not know why they have their stuff so cheap.  But the cool thing is that people found out that I know how to mod blasters and so I am getting a bunch of requests to mod blasters.  I have already modded 2 mavericks in the past 3 hours and people are still going out and buying blasters.  One guy is giving me cash to mod his, and the other guy actually bought me the Nerf Praxis that is on sale.  I don't know if I will open/use it.  May just keep it and sell it later on down the road.  But I was shocked at how low the prices are.

***Quick Reminder: Please go and vote on which blaster(s) I should use for this Contagion game that we will be playing.***

Thanks for viewing!

Friday, 14 September 2012

Poll: What blaster(s) should I use for Contagion?

Hey everyone,

Like I said in my previous post, my school will be doing a thing called "Contagion" which is basically HvZ but on a much smaller scale.  Not all the campus will be taking part in it.  I only brought a small selection of blasters with me back to school.

My question to you is what you think I should carry with me.  With me I have; Alpha Trooper stock, longstrike modded, maverick modded, 2 stock nitefinders, and a jolt that is modded.  Along with a bunch of darts and about 10 clips.  On the right side of my blog I have a poll that I have posted.  I would really appreciate it if you could go and check what you think I should use.  If you think I should mix and match stuff, feel free to come back and comment on here to let me know what you think would be a good load-out for this small campus activity.

Thanks for viewing!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

School takes alot of time...

Hey everyone, just shooting out a quick post with whats going on.   I been really busy with school and work.  I have a heavy course load and I have work as well.  I have not been modding since I got up to school but I am not out for the count!

This coming week begins a game called "Contagion".  It is very similar to HvZ and Zombiefest, but since my school is very conservative they don't like using the word ZOMBIE.  But it is the same basic idea that someone or a group of people we begin as the "infected" and the rest of us will use Nerf blasters to defend ourselves.  It should be a fun time and I hope to maybe get some pictures/video's of different missions and others getting attacked!  So stay tuned for that!

I hope everyone is doing well and hopefully I will get some time to be able to do some mods in the near future! Thanks for viewing :)