
Thursday, 13 September 2012

School takes alot of time...

Hey everyone, just shooting out a quick post with whats going on.   I been really busy with school and work.  I have a heavy course load and I have work as well.  I have not been modding since I got up to school but I am not out for the count!

This coming week begins a game called "Contagion".  It is very similar to HvZ and Zombiefest, but since my school is very conservative they don't like using the word ZOMBIE.  But it is the same basic idea that someone or a group of people we begin as the "infected" and the rest of us will use Nerf blasters to defend ourselves.  It should be a fun time and I hope to maybe get some pictures/video's of different missions and others getting attacked!  So stay tuned for that!

I hope everyone is doing well and hopefully I will get some time to be able to do some mods in the near future! Thanks for viewing :)

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